Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Is this nightmare season almost done yet?

We would love to blame it on injuries or bad luck.  The unfortunate reality is the Mustangs are just plain awful.  There was a time where we were competitive.  Looking back it is fun to reminisce about the glory days.  (Yes the glory days were a wild card berth and a first round loss where Cabo kind of kicked our ass).  Since then the organization has made bad decision after bad decision that has left us playing the role of pathetic loser doormat.  We currently rank dead last in the TML in all but two offensive categories.  That was sustainable when the pitching and defense shouldered the load.  Unfortunately the defensive sacrifices we made as an organization in the interest of finding some offense left us ranking in the lower half of virtually all pitching rankings as well.

The Ramirez/McSwan signings turned out to be about the worse moves imaginable.  It turns out that power hitters don't do well in a pitchers park.  Who knew?  Well, likely many of you did but apparently I needed to learn the hard way.  To make matters worse, the financial plan to sustain these signings required a leap of faith that attendance would improve.  The pitiful performance on the field has had the predictably opposite result as fans are staying away in droves.  The Mustangs stand to lose upwards of 20 million dollars this year.  With one more year of financial obligations things look pretty bleak for next season too.

The only bright side we can find is some cherry draft picks over the next couple of years should help to infuse some talent into the minor leagues.

The lesson here is to embrace the suck!  It has been painfully drilled into the Mustang consciousness that try as we might, we won't be slugging the ball out of McNichols stadium.  We are getting back to our roots and reembarking on a new campaign to shut every one down.  That's right.  If we don't score no one does!

It is a ugly, smelly, awful pit of hideous awfulness this sixth ABL season finds us in.  But you heard it here first.  Mustangs aren't going away.  Give us four years and we'll be back on top!  (Even if the top is a wild card one and done playoff team).

Mustangs out.

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