Monday, March 25, 2013

Dear Marauders

Dear Maple Marauders,

I know we have not been particularly close in the past and I am probably over stepping my bounds.  I hate to put you in an uncomfortable position but I do have a favor to ask of you.

As you are no doubt aware I will be facing Cabo San Lucas in the first round of the playoffs.  I have nothing but the utmost respect for the Toreros.  You cannot deny the success they have had.  They are obviously a top notch organization.  Still our organization has enjoyed some moderate success against the franchise.  Apparently we match up fairly well as illustrated by our seven wins in the nine games we have faced each other.  My point here is there is a reasonable expectation that the Mustangs could progress to the second round of the playoffs.

I believe I mentioned it before but it merits repeating.  I do not envy you your first round opponent.  If my sources are correct, the Jokers have won a whopping 16 games out of their last 19?  Yes, I am sorry to confess that this includes a four game sweep of yours truly. They are kind of on fire.

I have had the unfortunate experience of playing in the same division as the Jokers.  It has been quite unpleasant.  To be honest with you they are just kind of mean.  With reckless abandon they inflate pitcher ERAs, run willy nilly around the bases, and don't even get me started on how many extra baseballs we have to provide when they come to town.  The stupid things just refuse to stay in the park.  I suppose they all act nice enough and say all the right things.  But their beating and bullying on the field is just hurtful.

This brings me to my point.  On the off chance that things do work out in our series and we slip by Cabo, I would be most appreciative if you could arrange it so that we don't have to play Vegas in the second round.  You can not imagine how much that would mean to us.  We would be forever in your debt.

Thank you for your consideration in this matter.

All our best.


1 comment:

  1. Got a good laugh out of this one. However, it does remind me of the old adage, "be careful what you wish might just get it." LOL
